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About Us


This blog is specifically created for technical knowledge in which our categories are:

  • SEO,

The blog articles are written by the owner( Piyush Pawar ) of the blog and the whole blog is handled by only the owner ( Piyush Pawar ) included SEO and others. The blog is created for providing technical information & Earning not for another purpose.


HI๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€... Welcome to my blog, My name is Piyush Pawar and I am a Google Certified Digital Marketing Expert. I created this blog for providing technical information to everyone for free and also for my earning purpose and all the articles strategies work 99.9% and you can trust on it because they are provided by full checking and with my experience of Digital Marketing and you can trust on me because I have a Google certificate of Digital Marketing you can check Below at end of this page and you can hire me through my contact and put the subject #hirepiyush then email me at my email address which is and provide me whole details for which purpose you want to hire me and my location is India, Delhi NCR Important "I only hire virtually just because of COVID-19"



INSTAGRAM. profile link is ""


If you want a guest post(Do-follow link form my article) then please you should have these things in your articles if not then you have to contact me and we provide a free do-follow link if your content has these qualities are:

  • More than 1000 words article.
  • The domain spam score should be not high.
  • The quality of articles is best.
  • The site hasn't any "Adult content".
  • The article is relevant to our articles.
  • DA and PA are not important for us.

If you want backlink contact me at by the subject


Google certificate to owner Piyush Pawar๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿคฉ.


Thanks for reach to my blog๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค๐Ÿ™

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